B-HOUS Laparoscopic Hands-On Biliary Ultrasound Course

8th-9th June 2022, Plymouth, UK

Course Summary

Venue: Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UK
Date: 8th - 9th June 2022
Course Director: Mr. Somaiah Aroori, Consultant HPB and Transplant Surgeon, Plymouth Course
Organiser/Faculty: Mr. Andrei Tanase, ST7 HPB

           £300 / Trainee
           £400 / Consultant

Expert staff will deliver a unique, practical course:
• Basic principles of Intraoperative Ultrasound (IOUS).
• Role of IOUS in liver surgery
• Develop your IOUS skills with hands-on training • Interactive lectures and videos.

          1. Register here via Enroll in Course
          2. Email us at laplivertraining@gmail.com